matter architectural studio inc.

matter architectural studio inc.


Architecture Services

About Us

matter architectural studio inc. is a London, Ontario based group of Architects, Designers, and thinkers operating within the field of Architecture and Design. We provide impactful solutions to complex issues through expertise and collaborative partnerships; creating spaces that engage, inspire and benefit the communities we work in. Everything in this world is interconnected. It’s all made up of matter—from our fingernails to our brains, from the floorboards beneath our feet to the steel beams above our heads. And matter is always on the move—never stale or fixed. It changes spaces and people every minute. It never stands still.


matter architectural studio inc.
matter architectural studio inc.
matter architectural studio inc.
matter architectural studio inc.
matter architectural studio inc.

Rep/Contact Info

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Steven Cooper
Founding Partner
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Judy Littleton
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Phil Sharron
Founding Partner