• Board of Directors

  • Board of Directors Nomination Process

    A Nominating Committee is formed in the early part of each Chamber year to consider new individuals for appointment to the Board of Directors of the London Chamber of Commerce. The Committee is comprised of members of the Executive Committee of the Board and a Board Appointee, with principal input coming from the Past-President, President, President-Elect, the Board Appointee and the CEO.

    By-law 6.01 of the Chamber of Commerce provides for a Board of 20 Directors plus a maximum of 2 one-year appointments. Directors’ terms constitute 2 years with eligibility for one additional 2-year renewal.  Executive Directors serve for one-year terms. Each year a number of Directors will have fulfilled their (term) obligations and occasionally a member of the Board will be relocated by his/her company to a different city. Each year will vary slightly with the number of Directors who will retire at the end of their current approved term - The Past President at the end of each Chamber year will also retire. 

    Each President of the Board will typically have extensive experience in working with the Chamber of Commerce and will have been active in the community on a variety of fronts. Most will have previously served as an Executive VP and have been a member of a number of Task Forces and/or program and policy committees. Their individual skills, experience and background in business are keys to the success of their individual terms and to that of the Chamber generally. 

    Interested in becoming a Board member next year? Click on the link below to access our Board Nomination Form:

    Board of Directors Expression of Interest


    Your Board of Directors for 2022-23