• UPS Shipping


    Ship faster, track better and streamline processes – all while saving time and money.
    Time is money. That’s why our UPS Member Benefit Program makes it easy and fast for you and your members to enroll and create, track and manage shipments online. 

    Here’s the deal
    Chamber members will receive:

    • 40% off all small package shipments including imports to Canada,
    • 30% off brokerage entry preparations fees
    • At least 75% off freight shipments over 150 lb.

    In addition, you’ll get free pickup and UPS On-Call Pickup®, so you can ship from the comfort of your office or home. You can also take advantage of free UPS Access Point® locations within Canada if you’re out on the road. You and your members can receive these discounts even if you already have a UPS account. It’s free to sign up and there are no minimum shipping requirements.

    Sign up!
    To enroll and start saving, visit www.membersbenefitprogram.com/ccc/ or call 1-800-MEMBERS (1-800-636-2377).