• FAQs

  • I want to make changes to my directory listing / mailing address / contact information / remove a contact / change existing member profile data. How can I do this?

    You can edit your member profile online. One member of your organization, the main contact the Chamber has on file for your organization, received an email with a username and password and is the only person able to access the member update feature.

    If you would like to make changes to your organizations information, please contact the Chamber at 519-432-7551

    Does the Chamber distribute or sell its membership list?

    The London Chamber does not sell its membership database in electronic format. However, our member directory, with contact information for each member company, is available online

    Who can attend Chamber events?

    Anyone who is employed by a member company is eligible to attend Chamber events at member discount prices. Most of our events are also open to the general public for a non-member rate.

    I want to make changes to / join the Group Health Plan. How can I do this?

    The Group Health plan is administered through Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance. Please contact them at 800-665-3365 for information and to make changes to your policy. Please note that only Chamber member companies are eligible to join the Group Health plan.

    I need a Certificate of Origin. Where can I get this?

    The Chamber of Commerce is authorized to provide London and area firms with the certificate of origin often required to export goods to a foreign country. Administration fees for this service are $30 for Chamber members and $60 for non-members. (Fees include HST).

    What are the office hours of the Chamber?

    The Chamber office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, and Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm, and closed weekends. The Meeting Centre is open and can be rented past regular office hours and on weekends.

    Where is the Chamber located?

    The London Chamber is located at 101 - 244 Pall Mall Street, London Ontario.

    Can non-members rent rooms in the Meeting Centre?

    Non-members can rent the meeting rooms.


    If you could not find what you were looking for, please call 519-432-7551 ext. 0