• Member to Member - Hot Deals

  • Shop Local - Support the London Chamber of Commerce Business Community!


    Whether you live, work and play here – or you’re just visiting London for the day – shopping at local businesses makes an economic and social impact that reaches deep into our community. 

    The London Chamber of Commerce Membership is a perfect representation of what London Business is all about. We’re the restaurant owner who knows what your favourite sandwich is, the business that gives your teenager their first job, and the homebuilder that sponsors your baseball team. Local business is about relationships, and the places that make London a great place to live. When you shop local, you’re not just buying a book, a meal, or purchasing a service– you’re building a community.  

    Your local purchase/patronage supports a network of local businesses and families. The following London Chamber of Commerce Members want to show their investment to the London Community and their pride of being a Chamber Member by offering these Hot Deals: