• Why Join

  • London Chamber of Commerce - The Voice of Business

    Thank you to LC Productions for this Video! 


  • The Value of Membership


    EXPOSURE: The Chamber of Commerce is the premier networking organization for business in London

     Take advantage of numerous opportunities to  network and promote your business

    Help shape London’s business community through active involvement and participation in a wide variety of Chamber events and functions

    Tap into potential business opportunities through program and event sponsorship

    Leverage the various Chamber communication channels to effectively promote your organization and make valuable business connections

    REACHSupporting local business through Global business initiatives

    The London Chamber of Commerce is committed to building stronger economic ties with key Global markets through its Global Business Opportunities Committee (GBOC)

    We are committed to increasing global demand for Canadian goods and services as well as attracting foreign direct investors to London

    INFLUENCE: The leader in business advocacy

    The Chamber of Commerce is your Voice of Business in London, at Queen’s Park and on Parliament Hill

    Strength in Numbers: More than 1200 member companies in London, representing over 60,000 employees

    Through the Ontario and Canadian Chambers of Commerce, you are connected to more than 500 Chambers representing over 200,000 businesses

    As a member, you are represented at all three levels of government by our Canada-wide network of policy experts

    Policy work is the direct result of continuous member feedback and input

    Involvement in the Chamber’s advocacy offers the unique opportunity to communicate with legislation on specific business issues

    GROWTH: Your gateway to professional education and development

    Learn from expert speakers and enhance your skill set

    Meet and exchange ideas and best practices while networking with London’s business professionals

    Discuss trends and business related issues that impact your industry sector

    Take advantage of seminars and training opportunities that benefit you and your employees

    Keep up-to-date on the latest legislation, regulations and policies

    Attend some of Canada’s most impressive business events and meet community and industry leaders.

    VALUE: savings and services you can’t afford to miss!

    The Chamber is consistently reviewing new benefit programs that our members and their employees can take advantage of.

    Exclusive benefits you and your employees can expect as Chamber Members:

    • Group Health & Insurance Benefit Plan
    • First Data Chamber Merchant Services Program
    • Esso Fleet Gas Discount Program
    • Chamber Purolator Discounts
    • Exclusive Travel Opportunities
    • Preferred access to professional meeting facilities
    • Professional development and educational seminars and workshops
    • Preferred member pricing for Chamber events



    Membership Value Proposition